Sunday, May 17, 2009

What Matters? A Family Weekend

The rain is making me completely waterlogged. It has been soggy almost non-stop for about a month. I couldn't help but notice the sun peeking out of the clouds at 8 o'clock tonight {so much for that nice bronze I wanted} To top it off, it is going to be 40 degrees in the morning. Alabama = hot muggy May weather...not the crispy cool and breezy winter. Kinda hard to get used too when its been in the high 80's over the last few weeks.

This weekend has been pretty productive for me. I was able to spend lots of needed time with my family. We laughed at each other {wait, isn't it supposed to be with each other?} cooked, had girlie time with my mom - which included bubbly in the hottub. I also visited with my Aunt, Uncle, & cousins {who just had the most precious little baby boy, Kutler} and I saw my grandparents.

Let me show you the baby!!! Isn't he just adorable...with his big lips & butt chin?

Family 001

Family 002

Family 003

And of course, my wonderful grandparents...

I really love the way Mammaw looks really perplexed in the she isn't sure what a camera is supposed to do & that she is not in the least bit amused that this moment would be captured. Loves & hugs her!

Family 004

My Pappaw & me! I'm sitting in the new recliner that was supposed to replace the one he's in. He wouldn't have it...he says he is "loyal" to his old one. Even though the bolts are coming lose and the leg rest is about to fall off. Guess he will switch to the new one when the other one hits the floor! Yeah, and I like the way I'm totally cheesing as if I have never been on camera before. Resting my head in my hand as if I'm posing for a glamour shot. Truth is...its Sunday...and I don't like to do anything on Sunday...even if that means holding my head up without additional support.

Family 005

Oooo Oooo....and to end the evening I worked my body into sheer exhaustion at the gym. I completed 45 minutes of cardio on the tredmill & then pumped it up with some free weights. {I know I said I don't like to do anything on Sunday, but that doesn't mean I really don't do anything, now} I told you I was going to marry the tredmill didn't I? Well, if I didn't then there it is. The truth is out!

Aaah, I really do think I should soak in the bath now. Then New Moon is calling my name!

1 comment:

Joanna said...

Oh...he is adorable!!!!

That's too funny about the recliner...

Girl, I am like you, I don't like doing anything on Sunday's but that doesn't mean that happens!

You go girl...Oh...I got a new workout, if you wanna hate the trainer for all she's worth...I got one for you to get! I cussed her out nearly the entire time. It was brutal...6 circuits! Whew....