Sunday, October 26, 2008

Frame Makeover

I found this old frame in the give-a-way pile and had an idea.

Blech. This needs a lift!

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Woops! I accidentally broke the glass trying to take the old prints out. Thankfully, I didn't get hurt & there were two of these badgirls.

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Aaahhh. Remember the lettering that made me so proud? I cut it out and glued to a scrapbook paper background & put it into the old frame.

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The original frame looked to new - so I scraped the edges to give it an aged look.

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The final product!

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She is so cutsie and easy to make. Don't give away old never know when you might need 'em!

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Joanna said...

This is fabulous! I have tons of old frames! I can't wait...I will be buying paper today to do this with. We are outta printer paper.

Kim -today's creative blog said...

great idea! Thanks for stopping by.