Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Raw Deal...Move In Day

OK, so the last post showed the outcomes. But how in the world did all that stuff get up ALL those stairs? Well....5 girls, 1 boy, a 16 foot trailer, two truck fulls, and 3 car full of boxes. Yep, me and Jamie and the one boy brought all the furniture up 4 flights. The others helped immensely. We unloaded everything the first day. Repeat. The first day! OMG, it was the hardest day I've ever had. BUT WELL WORTH IT! Not a lot of pics were taken of the action, but we did get a few snapshots.

Exhausted, but adamant about everything being done by daylight.

Jamie 012

The tornado.

Jamie 034

Ahhh, still making sure we have friends, drinks, and fun!

Apartment 021


Jamie 014

If it weren't for Mike we wouldn't have one piece of furniture together!

Jamie 040

Day after - that's where I stayed all day. Deathly on the shag rug.

Jamie 057

It was all finally coming together the first night. I'm sure the neighbors loved us hanging pictures at midnight.

Jamie 044

My bigtime helper and new Best Friend :)

Jamie 065

1 comment:

Joanna said...

Wow...So glad I didn't have to do that.. : ) Although if I were there I would have helped!