AT&T would have kept me as a customer had they not decided to discontinue the LG VU touchscreen phone. The reps informed me that it will no longer be available and there is no plan for an upgrade. She said that it just couldn't compete with the iPhone. I tend to disagree as there were MANY uproars right in front and behind me at the store. Soooo, I hopped over to Verizon and got the phone that I wanted! :-) Apparently, not all AT&T branches are even in the know that there touchphones are being pulled off the shelf and off the internet....hmmmm?
The cheeseball that I am...I feel so "cool" scrolling up and down on my phone. Now, I just hope it doesn't have too many gliches. And I hope that I can be soft as a ballerina and not drop it. I was smart enough to get an insurance plan....because to buy a new LG Dare is like, $500 {YIKES!}
My advice so far: If you are eligible for an upgrade, do yourself a favor and get a touchscreen! You will never want to go back!
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